Tag Archives: Ebooks

How do I find out my Kindle’s email address?

This is not strictly about editing, business, transcription or my other core topics. However a) I do write e-books and I might send you a copy you need to email to your Kindle one day, and b) I keep forgetting how to do this and I started this blog with How Do I Stop My Comments Going Tiny in Word? for my own purposes several years ago!

So here goes. How do you check what your Kindle’s email address is using your PC?

Go to the Amazon home page and select Account & Lists then Manage Your Content and Devices:

Manage Your Content and Devices defaults to Content view, showing you the alarming number of Kindle books you have downloaded and that’s just from Amazon, it doesn’t include all the ones you’ve had from NetGalley or Gutenburg, etc. Argh! Anyway, ignore that and select Preferences:

Once you’re in Preferences, you need to scroll down a bit and then choose Personal Document Settings:

and then, finally, a whole set of a million different email addresses for all the devices you’ve ever used as a Kindle or opened the Kindle app on will appear:

Please also note, in the second half of the screen it reminds you that the Kindle will only accept emailed documents from known email addresses. Like and your own home email addresses. So do make sure they’re all added there.

And that’s how to find out your Kindle’s email address, so you can send books and documents to it if you need to.


Posted by on May 21, 2019 in Ebooks


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