How to maintain a good online reputation

02 Sep

a man's hands typingYou are your brand. I know that that sounds a bit marketing-speaky, but it’s true. If you run a business, people are going to look for you online as well as your business name. I can vouch for that, because I get loads of searches coming through to this blog for the people I feature in my Small Business Chat. Far more of them are looking for the person’s name than for their business name (if it’s different). Today I’m going to talk about my personal methods for maintaining a good and positive online image, with some tips which should be useful for you, too.

These tips mostly relate to social media, but you can extend them to anywhere where people see you, and your business, in operation, such as networking events, trade fairs, etc.

What do you mean by “You are your brand”?

This is particularly important if you run a small business or are a sole trader. However, even if you look at a  multinational, the person at the head of the company and the reputation they personally have has an effect on the perception of the company.

Think about Richard Branson. What about Theo Paphitis and Duncan Bannatyne? Remember Gerald Ratner and how he ruined his business with one sentence?

In the same way, when you go out networking, or you do stuff online, and you run a business (or even if you don’t), people are getting an impression of you which extends to the perception they have of your business.

My personal dos and don’ts

This is of course a personal list. Maybe you disagree? I know that I’m ultra-careful about my brand and company reputation, but I’d rather be ultra-careful than too relaxed. Reputations can be destroyed in an instant!

This is not about manipulating your image to sell more of your product or service; it’s about making sure that you’re representing your company in a positive light and making sure you match in your behaviour the message that you want your business to get across.

DO be yourself

It’s no good trying to hide who you are. Yes, if you’re shy, you can project more of an image of self-assurance, but also kindness, respect and care often come with shyness, and they’re good things for your clients to see. Personally, I’m very open and honest, and I try to give something back through charity donations and helping people. Therefore I have made small business loans to celebrate Libro’s anniversary and help out other small businesses with my weekly features, etc. I also keep my blog posts linked to what I do and my own practices – someone mentioned to me just the other day that my posts are very personal and friendly – which is how I hope my business comes across, too.

DO stay true to your morals and ideals

As an addition to this, I try to make sure that what I do with Libro mirrors my own personal morals and ideas. This is why I won’t put ads on my blogs unless it’s a testimonial for someone’s work that I know is good, and why I am very careful about the guest blog posts I publish (I recently turned down a fair amount of money offered to me to mention a blog hosting company on a blog post, because I was asked not to disclose that it was a sponsored post. Not my thing). I have also turned down work through my personal ideals.

DO be human

If you have a personal presence on social media, and even if you only have a business presence, make sure that the person behind the business shows through. This applies especially if you’re sharing your business posts on your personal account. I have a Libro Facebook page (where I make sure you can see photos of me and ask for feedback as well as sharing my blog posts) and a personal page, and I try to make sure I post more personal than business stuff on the personal page. People want to know the person behind the business, and they particularly don’t want the friend they’ve followed to turn into a corporate mouthpiece all of a sudden.

DON’T bombard friends with your business message

It’s very tempting to repost all of your business blog postings, etc. on to your personal Facebook and Twitter streams. It’s even more tempting to shoehorn a mention of your business into every comment you make to your friends. We all know at least one person who does this (I’ve been accused of it myself by one person, but I do try hard to keep the balance), and what does it do? It puts you off buying their goods or service. Sorry, but it does. Do share your business stuff with your friends, but not at the expense of the normal friend stuff!

DON’T moan about your customers

This one is oh-so-tempting, too. Especially if you work alone, sometimes you have to MOAN. Here’s the thing: moan, but don’t do it in public. Really, don’t. If you only follow one of these tips, follow this one. If you moan about a customer, even “just” on your personal Facebook timeline, how many of your friends might have been going to recommend your services to a friend, and might now not be inclined to. It’s unprofessional.

Of course, we do all need to moan, but this is what you do: do it in private. I set up a local homeworkers’ support group and an “Editors’ Rah and Argh” group on Facebook – as private, invitation-only groups. If we want to roar, sob or moan, we do it there, or in an email to a friend, or in a cafe, not in public!

DON’T talk about your customers at all, actually

Not only the moaning, but be careful what you say about your clients in public. I have Non-Disclosure Agreements with some of mine, which means no talking, ever, but even with the others, I do not identify them by name, when talking in public or writing about them in my book. I don’t Tweet to my music journalist clients, outing myself as their transcriber, unless they specifically mention it in public first. I don’t put their comments on my references page and CV before asking first. It’s just good practice.

DON’T let people see the frantic paddling, just the serene swan

Cash flow problems or upset by something? I might mention in the most general terms that I’m feeling a bit stressed, but I usually won’t. Although it’s good to talk things out, if you run a business, you don’t know who is watching. If you would be worried if a customer or prospect saw what you were writing, do it privately – create a filter or a private group on Facebook. If in doubt, don’t talk about it in public.

DO be appropriate

If you manage rock bands and hang out at heavy metal festivals, by all means swear a bit on your public tweets. If you earn your living editing, try not to have spelling mistakes and typos all over your blog (this is really hard to do – I know. Collect a group of friendly people who will let you know privately if such a thing occurs). I lead a pretty quiet life, but I do try not to swear or have inappropriate pictures of me all over social media. Obviously that’s easier the older you are and the less of your adult life has been lived in the full glare of social media, but you can always politely ask people to untag you from that hen party pic or horrendous shot from your younger days. If you explain politely that your business is linked to your name, and you’re worried about affecting it, most people will surely comply with that! You can also untag yourself from Facebook posts and pictures and set up your profile so that you have to approve all tags, if you’re at all worried (thanks to Linda for that tip!)

My golden rule for maintaining a good online reputation

This is my golden rule. I’ve stuck by it ever since I started having an online presence:

Never say anything in public online that you wouldn’t be happy shouting out loud in the middle of Birmingham.

What if your reputation is already less than stellar? I think that’s a post for another day, don’t you?

Related posts:

10 reasons to start a blog

10 reasons NOT to write a blog

Reciprocity and Social Media

Top 10 blogging sins

Scheduling blog posts and keeping going


Posted by on September 2, 2013 in Blogging, Business, Social media, Writing


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22 responses to “How to maintain a good online reputation

  1. lindaproofreads

    September 2, 2013 at 11:48 am

    I have a question: does your rule about not discussing clients except in private cover positive as well as moans? For example, would you think it’s ok to write as a FB status to a friends’ only account that you are thrilled because a client has taken on the notes you wrote in a previous section and tried to use the English suggested when writing the rest of his/her dissertation?
    I’m not actually planning to do this but thought it might be a good conversation point.


    • Liz at Libro

      September 2, 2013 at 11:59 am

      I would mention that but not mention who the client was. Perhaps I should have said “don’t mention your clients by name”. General positive points like that are fine in my book. Thanks for starting the debate!


      • Liz at Libro

        September 2, 2013 at 12:57 pm

        And to reply to myself, I know some of our colleagues share praise and achievements garnered by their clients, and if the client is happy with that, I will do that too.


        • lindaproofreads

          September 2, 2013 at 1:10 pm

          I think my struggle in terms of being active with with the proofreading brand is that I feel like I have nothing at all to say without specifics. So end up saying nothing.

          This post has inspired me to make a post on the FB page. It’s slightly random but hopefully adds to the feeling of putting a personal feel to it.


          • Liz at Libro

            September 2, 2013 at 1:52 pm

            Oh, jolly good – always nice to inspire! I don’t say much about clients in public, just make sure I don’t embarrass myself in my own activities!


  2. Nordie

    September 2, 2013 at 11:52 am

    I know some people find it better to have two or more Social Media accounts: one that is purely personal (“here’s what I did on my holiday”) the other for their business (“if you find x our product y will help!”). That way people get to choose which version of you they want to follow and what message they get – the business you or the personal you. I think it can be tough, especially when starting out, to seperate the two in all the excitement and pressure of starting out.

    Additionally, for the business “you” you can set your business hours e.g. Monday to Friday 8 – 6 GMT. Therefore if someone tweets you or pokes you on the weekend, you can manage their expectations as to when you are likely to respond – in a 24×7 internet world, clients may expect 24×7 access and response, and might get miffed when it doesnt happen (and upset clients can also damage your online reputation). It also allows you to manage your work/life balance better, helping to keep you energised, interested and working well.


    • Liz at Libro

      September 2, 2013 at 12:01 pm

      I think that would work well if you were someone who had regular business hours – if you have clients and contacts all over the world, you have to keep an eye on that! I did set up a Libroediting Twitter account at one stage, but found that because I’d already tweeted about business stuff, people didn’t want to follow that. And I do a lot of re-tweeting and it would be less help for the people I re-tweeted to do that from an account with no followers! So I left it as one which is human but not overly personal, and hope that works.

      But the business hours is a good point for those who *have* business hours!


  3. lindaproofreads

    September 2, 2013 at 1:13 pm

    I should add that I don’t find it all difficult to be active on my crafting page. I think I’ve mentioned before that it’s much easier to share when dealing in tangibles. People seem to like seeing photos of items but, obviously, without photos of cute minion hats or crocheted Daleks, it’s harder work to find something for the brand to say.


    • Liz at Libro

      September 2, 2013 at 1:52 pm

      Yes, and I think Facebook works much better for tangibles than intangibles, too!


  4. Louise Harnby | Proofreader

    September 2, 2013 at 10:56 pm

    Great post, Liz. I have a rule of thumb: I don’t believe there’s any such thing as real privacy on the internet, whatever my privacy settings are set to. And even if I moan to “friends”, some of my connections have connections that are not yet my connections. And news travels. So I try not to say anything negative when it comes to anything work related. If it’s on the internet, it’s on a server somewhere. And if it’s on a server somewhere, Google might find it. And if Google can find it, anyone can find it. I’m probably being over-cautious but it seems like the safest bet!


    • Liz at Libro

      September 3, 2013 at 5:09 am

      Thanks, Louise. And yes, always better to be too careful than not careful enough! We do all need to find some way to let off steam now and again, in whatever way we consider “safe”. I love my job to bits, but it can be frustrating sometimes.


  5. Cindy D

    September 5, 2013 at 11:07 pm

    Reblogged this on Cindy D Editor.


  6. shuti singh

    September 22, 2015 at 11:41 am

    Something which I didn’t come across in other articles and blogs are two things, i.e. last two pieces of advice. I follow the golden rule since I run my business online. And secondly which I am going to follow form now onwards, is that I won’t be sharing my loss or sorrows in public. Point has been well mentioned over here. Swan is the center of attraction not other things. Nice one. Worth reading.



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